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Investment Strategy

G & G invests in multifamily assets in emerging markets with compelling growth potential and increase the value of properties through strategic development, redevelopment, repositioning, and robust asset management. We carefully select markets/submarkets that encompass the following traits: – expectation to outperform in recovery – demographic growth and job growth to drive demand – diversified and stable job market – projected rent increases Finding the right opportunity at the right price is at the core of our success. We have extensive experience in sourcing, identifying, and acquiring investments properties throughout the U.S.

Investment Selection

We evaluate properties based on asset type, location, investment merits, cash flow integrity, and risk profile, and only proceed if the deal meets all acquisition criteria.  Through diverse relationships, we receive a steady flow of off-market investment opportunities. Once we’ve made an acquisition, we look for opportunities to create a more competitive and valuable asset by implementing a host of physical and operational improvements that contribute to a more inviting and vibrant living environment. These improvements often include updated unit interiors, the introduction of new unit and common area amenities, increased unit and building efficiency, and a focused marketing and management strategy.

Acquisition Criteria

  • Property type:  Multifamily – Garden Style Apartments
  • Asset Class: C and B Class Assets
  • Location Quality: C+ to A+
  • Property Size: 50 – 400 units
  • Property Vintage: 1978+
  • Investment Structure: All cash to seller; Loan assumptions; Seller carry-on financing
  • Value Plays: Stabilized (85% occupied) assets with operations and physical re-positioning needed.


A typical project will require a 6 to 12 month period to make capital improvements, upgrade the tenant base, increase rents, and reduce expenses. At that point, cash flows improve significantly, and appreciation begins to increase rapidly. Once these improvements have been made we stabilize the property for another year or two and then refinance or sell the property. The entire process is usually 3 to 5 years. [/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]